Gone but not forgotten…. Grenzstein Trophy ’13

Grenzstein Trophy finish with my honey

As you’ve probably figured out by now… it often takes me awhile to get around to talking about the long races that I do. It’s really difficult to explain what goes on both on the bike as well as in my head as I ride the hours away for up to 20 hours at a time. They say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Thus, I’ve made ‘moving’ pictures out of most of the photos I took on the Grenzstein Trophy early last summer. I hope you enjoy them and maybe someone will be inspired to do the race themselves. If you’re interested, look here (Grenzstein Trophy). Sadly, the site is only in German and it’s incredibly difficult to navigate (not unlike the route itself, at times).

A couple of things that I wanted to mention.

I have to thank my loving wife for letting me take off on these stupid-fun adventures. She’s incredibly patient and indulgent.

Next… Thanks to the following –

Geax for making the best tires in the business.

Osprey for making the best hydration and backpacks I’ve ever used

Jelle at Just Pedal for his continuing sponsorship of our team Big Wheel Racing

My friends and teammates for the constant abuse and encouragement whether it be via SMS, Facebook and/or phone calls

Ken and Sandi at CremaCycles for setting me up with an amazing bicycle.. my Independent Fabrications Ti Deluxe 29’er… I love this bike!

All the people involved in setting up and running the Grenzstein Trophy. Without the various trail trackers this race wouldn’t happen.

SpoK Werks for the great bags (our company… I had to mention us).

Any others that I’ve forgotten, I’m sorry and thanks!.


Published by: wunnspeed

What does one say here. Hmmm. First, I'm a "trailing spouse". Kera, my wife, works hard and keeps us afloat. I work... not nearly as hard and contribute enough to let us have fun. Oh, I also make bags for bikepacking under the name of SpoK Werks http://www.spokwerks.com I'm an English Teacher (English as a Second Language) here in Germany. It's an amazingly rewarding thing to do. I'd never have believed it until I'd tried it. I also make bikepacking bags under the name SpoK Bags. Just search for us in Flickr. We're adventure nuts (i.e. cycling, travel, life, friends, etc.). We attempt to live each day as fully as we can manage.

Categories 29'er, Bikepacking, Germany, mountain bike, MTB, racingTags, , , , , 1 Comment

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